Thursday, March 10, 2011

Steve Jobs ranked as the 110th richest person with $8.3 billion, Zuckerberg gets the 52nd

Apple's CEO Steve Jobs is ranked as the world's 110th richest person with net worth of $8.3 billion according to Forbes annual list. Last year, Jobs' net worth was up from $5.5 billion and 136th place so I think he made a great milestone in one year.

It'd be interesting if we take a look at Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg wealth which is with net worth of $13.5 billion. Zuckerberg is ranked as the 52nd richest person in the world.

For those who wants to know more, Mexican telecommunications tycoon Carlos Slim Helu holds the top spot in the list followed by Microsoft founder Bill gates with net worth of $74 billion and $56 billion respectively.

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