Monday, March 21, 2011

DreamBoard – An Alternative To WinterBoard For Jailbreak Themers

WinterBoard has been the skinning app of choice for many-a-jailbreaker for a good long while now, and it’s done a sterling job. Now though, it’s perhaps time for a challenger to try to break the equilibrium. That challenger is DreamBoard.

Now before you all read that opening paragraph and go delete WinterBoard, allow me to explain. DreamBoard is actually a little different to WinterBoard. The new DreamBoard is more of a way to apply themes to an iDevice rather than the more granular (if you want it) option of WinterBoard.
DreamBoard’s real party-piece is the ability to make an iOS device look more like Android. Out go the rows of icons and in come the widgets.
The best thing to do is to watch the video below, where you’ll see fancy new weather and Facebook widgets. Worth a watch indeed.

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