It seems whoever came to the conclusion that Android is shipping with a group of 30+ segments of code copied line by line from Java may have not done their homework. After further analysis of the files in question, Ed Burnette of ZDNet has concluded that there are in fact no instances of copied code shipping directly with Android.
The first set of files in question are a group used for running internal tests, and not meant to ship with a final build of Android on a device. A second set contain files specific to native code audio drivers, and also would not ship with Android. The first set did have some wonky licensing pasted on top of it, but Google has already taken upon itself to delete the files as of January 14th, 2011.
It seems the internet (we included) got a bit worked up over the sensationalist claims that Google is clearly stealing from Oracle and Java and was quick to spread the word without further checking into the code in question.
[via ZDNet | Thanks, Tati!]
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