Also guys on The Next Web reporting that they got their iTunes accounts Hacked and they found themselves owners of the 40 apps.
Here's another iPhone Developer reporting that a Vietnamese Developer is hacking iTunes Accounts, he was the first who find that:
I’m the developer of the QuickReader iPhone application. I’ve been noticing over the past few days that my app along with yours has been slipping down in the rankings. On trying to figure out why, I discovered what appears to be a concerted and criminal effort to game the Books category rankings.[via MacStories]
It looks like the Books category has been hijacked by an app publisher named mycompany/Thuat Nguyen. His apps now occupy 40 of the top 50 ranks in the Books category on the app store. These are apps that typically wouldn’t rank in the Books category and most of them don’t have any ratings or reviews. However if you look at the reviews for the Conan 3 app, you can see that 2 reviewers complain (as early as Monday the 28th) that their iTunes accounts were hacked and the apps were purchased by the hacker. It would appear that this publisher is hacking accounts and buying his own apps in order to drive up his rankings in the Books category.
This is having a negative impact on our apps, which are being pushed down in the rankings and losing visibility, plus it makes for a bad user experience.
Got your iTunes Account Hacked? Hope you report us here and We will help you when we get Support for this ... Vitenamese!
Update 1: Also some members of Mac Rumors got their iTunes accounts hacked, What the hell is going up there!
I had a similar issue around christmas time - i tried to buy a song using my account (as I have done many times). iTunes rejected my password - i definatley typed it in right! I reset it to what it was before and then it was ok.Update 2: Some tips you may follow:
I was worried someone had got into my account but i dont see anything being bought that I didnt so i assume was just a glitch.....
- At first, you should Change your password Immediately, then continue reading!
- Check for your recent purchases history, if you found something wrong with it, REPORT Apple.
- Remove your credit card details by setting the “Payment Method” to “None”
- If you really still serving or hacked, Report us by commenting down here, and I may solve it for you!
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