Wednesday, July 7, 2010

AT&T Blames Software Deflect for Upload Limits on iPhone 4

This weekend, a lot of iPhone 4 members got Upload limits by AT&T in US, but I suspected that AT&T is not limiting or capping the upload speed, they didn't limit it and they blame Software deflect, check the statment of the issue after the jump..
AT&T and Alcatel-Lucent jointly identified a software defect -- triggered under certain conditions – that impacted uplink performance for Laptop Connect and smartphone customers using 3G HSUPA-capable wireless devices in markets with Alcatel-Lucent equipment. This impacts less than two percent of our wireless customer base. While Alcatel-Lucent develops the appropriate software fix, we are providing normal 3G uplink speeds and consistent performance for affected customers with HSUPA-capable devices

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